Going sailing tomorrow

The last few months have been very hectic here getting ready to sail south for the winter.The Hogfish Maximus has been gone over from stem to stern. All looks well. I will be leaving in the morning sailing single handed out Ridley Head Channel heading east sailing with a forcast of NNE winds from12-23 knts . This is forcast to last for 4 days and will then start veering down to ENE for hopefully the...

Cariacou Sloops

When I first sailed into the Carribean Sea with my parents and sister in 1976 having transited the Panama Canal I started to encounter many indigenous built sailing craft. The first ones were the Cuna Indians sailing dugout canoes called "Ulues". This is spelt...

One of the creatures that share our place with us.

When we bought our land here on Russell Island in North Eluethera it was all bush,fruit and natural trees. The only way to get to our place was by water and a trail. We had lots of snakes, frogs, spiders, turtles, centipedes , bat months,birds ,hermit and land...

Art made this year

Between sailing adventures here and about the Bahamas and working on our house this last year I have been able to carve and create a few wood sculptures. Here are some photos of things in progress and finished.  Most of these pieces were commissions.I'll...