My flats boatbuilding and design career from 1983 up to the beginning of Hells Bay Boatworks

Chapter 1This story starts in 1982 on the island of Islamorada in the Florida Keys.  It was at Bayside Marine where I met Hal Chittum and who led me into this interesting niche of the boating market. First, in order to properly understand how this story came to be I must start at the beginning of my life on the sea. Go back to 1973 and you will find me at age 14. My parents have sold all of their...

Man Eating Shark

We see and hear of them from time to time, this shows what's the sharks greatest enemy is ,...

Back to blogging

A lot has happened since I last wrote here. Time has flown by as I sit in our little house on Russell Island in the Bahamas with a good rain squall passing through to end the dry season and start the the season of lightening storms , heavy squalls, calming winds and hopefully another year without a major hurricane flowing over our place with the understanding ,that if you have not planned in advance...