"Gillum Bore" a large Rainbow parrot fish

Here in the Bahamas we still have lots of fish about. There has been a steady decline in the amount of large breeding fish from the pressures of the local fishermen using hooka rigs to dive deep and be able to stay on the bottom for hours spearing these big unwary...

My GLADES SKIFF style concept.

After I left Hells Bay Boatworks the company designed a skiff that they called the Glades skiff. It's a nice long skinny shallow skiff for getting around the Evergldes and shallow narrow spots. It's supposed to be good to pole by one man and use very low horsepower...

Chris Peterson , Hells Bay Boatworks ... Creating a name brand .

This past month I have had the opportunity to go through all my old photos of sailing, raising our girls, and looking over some pictures of the beginning  days of HBBWs . Rachel and I will be off sailing for a couple of years or more so were taking this time...

Today's motor home on the water.

I like to sail on boats that I can see and feel the wind. By seeing the wind I can see the ripples on the water, by feeling the winds I can tell when running down wind at night how far the wind has veered by the feel of it against my ears and neck. I also sail...

Building skiffs in the Bahamas

27 years ago my marriage to Lawanda ended. Quite simply we grew apart. She wanted a more stable life and I just wanted to keep on looking to see what was around the next point of land.We had that year finished building the Hogfish and had sailed to Spanish Wells...

Hogfish sailing and sitting, Alert, Paradox, Little Cruiser

Saddle Back Cay ExumasTommy Goodwin stops by for a visitVirgin island sailing, always windMy dad visits on his Vega " Adios" Rachel taking down the jib as we sail up to a dock in NassauWe sailed the hogfish in and out of every anchoage.A bit of breezeRachel...