Cockpits of shame part 2, Transom extensions, and dying boats

,We are anchored today in the bay off the city of Pointe A Pitre Guadaloupe. Our daughter Lillian will be flying in here soon for her spring break visit and sail with us as far as Dominica. I love all types of boats, sailboats , multi hulls, power boats,...

BOW SPRITS and Yachting PENIS envy.

  Anchored in Antigua this past week has been great to see all the new Yachts and old favorites.Going to shore in the dinghy I spotted a great big huge blue masking taped penis on the stern of the motor yacht " NERO". Never got the story behind this...

Cockpits of Shame

    Blogs are for people like me to express their opinions, share ideas, and to give others a glimpse into their life.Here I will start posting pictures of different sailboats from all over the world that have taken up the new trend and challenge...

My love affair with Hogfishes

 People always ask what is a Hogfish and why would you name your boat after one.When I first sailed to the Bahamas in 1977 spearing a Hogfish was the most sought after goal of all boaters as they are the best tasting fish around. They can be speared relatively...