Intresting sailboats, multihulls and skiffs in the Caribbean

So far we have logged 2,000 miles of sailing since leaving The Bahamas on this cruise. I love all types of boats so the islands down here provide me with a kaleidoscope of vessels to see. Each island nation has a different type of local fishing skiff. The French...

Finding Treasure and the feel of greed

It's early morning with the tide out as I walk along a dark, black/grey, sandy beach. The sea is almost calm but the slight swell undulates the waters edge in a way that reminds me of the way women run their fingers through their hair, going in and then out...

What flats skiffs cost to build and sell

This post is not a tell all expose of the behind the scenes scheming of flats boat builders trying to get rich. It's just my way of trying to show you what things cost and how and why some skiffs cost what they do. With my basic information presented here you can go and look at your skiff or any other and add up the numbers to get a good idea of what it's original cost was, is and where all your hard...